Quoi que nous fassions, que nous le voulions ou non, que nous participions au vote ou non, que nous estimions l’issue de ce scrutin légitime ou non, une personne sera…
Avant de lire ce livre, je pensais : la chasse, c’était une activité un peu beauf, il y a des abus qu’il faut réglementer. Par contre, les chasseurs sont indispensables,…
I had prepared an article on barefoot running this week and then things changed. I made the crazy decision to stop running barefoot in the city during the pandemic, so ...
Faith is an appalling method of ascertaining a truth. I've been interested in critical thinking for a few years now, and for the past year I've been more specifically interested in epistemology, the science of ...
Why so much bullshit ? Do you think your work makes a significant contribution to society ? David Graeber has studied in depth the question of the meaning of work. He...
In the Mindfield webseries, a YouTuber agrees to be locked up for three full days in a cell. During this period he is alone and has no access to any entertainment. Worse yet : ...