Les noms de courant philosophiques jalonnent notre vie quotidienne. Qui n’a jamais entendu les adjectifs matérialistes, nihilistes ou sceptiques ? Ce qui est curieux, c’est de constater que bien souvent,…
Esprit critique
Faith is an appalling method of ascertaining a truth. I've been interested in critical thinking for a few years now, and for the past year I've been more specifically interested in epistemology, the science of ...
Thinking exercise: try to remember what happened in your head a few seconds ago. At the time you read the title of this article. Perhaps the word "feminism" triggered...
From experience, most people mention critical thinking in two cases. Either we speak of critical thinking to explain why homeopaths, psychics and other charlatans are mistaken (this is the art of ...
Deanne Kuhn, a psychologist at Columbia, hypothesizes that the most important thing in the way we think is not what beliefs we have about the world. What really matters is...
The source of all moralism is judgment. Judgment is the expression of a moral opinion about a person, about actions or words. In my opinion, judging is a harmful...
Anecdotal or personal evidence (APE’s) are in my opinion the worst symptom of clouded judgment. A few examples among dozens of others (caution: they do not...
According to Karl Popper - the super star of epistemology (the critical study of science) - science never proves that theories are true. Instead, science constructs...
During the 2017 presidential campaign, I bled myself dry in a lot of debates on Facebook, because Facebook debates are actually of no interest...
This little post presents in detail my favorite quote : "All models are wrong, but some are useful." - George Box Very often, when I present scientific work to someone